
Lazy Dogs!!!

Dogs are known for being cute, sporty, cuddly and a best friend.  But, did you know there is such thing as a lazy dog?  Here are my choices of top 5 laziest dogs: 5. Greyhounds- Greyhounds love to sleep a lot and do it 20 hours a day! 4. Saint Bernard- Saint Bernard dogs are family friendly and good with children but, drool a lot due to the obsessive amount of sleeping. 3. Basset Hound- Short and chubby they just love doing nothing. 2. French Bulldogs- They do not bite but never are active at all. 1. Newfoundland- Newfoundland dogs just refuse to move! The most laziest by a mile!

Alamo's Choice Of Active Dogs TOP 5

      Hello everyone viewing this post, today I will be counting down the TOP FIVE ACTIVE DOGS for people that are not sure what dog they like. #5 Poodles - They may appear to be cute and harmless but, they are super energetic and love jumping up and down a lot.  Favorite activities: jumping and swimming #4 Siberian Husky - At the start of life they may appear calm and cuddly but once you get to know them, you will be outside for quite a while.  Favorite activity: playful combats #3 Welsh Corgi - They are small and easy to train and kid friendly but, they sure need someone to play with or they will be running around the house.  Favorite Activities: running, Frisbee and tricks #2 Toy Fox Terrier - Super good for families and they are great guard dogs to take down predators and they also LOVE cuddling.  Favorite activities: protection from strangers and mini circus performances #1 Yorkshire Terrier - The most energetic dogs that are playful...

Emmy Talks About The Least Obidient Dog Breeds

Happy new year everyone!  I (Emmy) hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and a great start to 2019.  I was doing some research about obidience for dogs because I am starting to get ready for to train my first ever dog (soon!!!!) and I saw this website on the least obidient dog breeds and I wanted you guys to see it too!  Click on the link down below and see if your dog or your favorite dog breeds are on that list because many of the worlds most recognized dog breeds are on there (even Alamo's favorite).   I will "pupdate" you guys when I get more information on my puppy.  If any of you have a request for a post (breeds, etc.) just comment in the comment section down below!  Blog to you later :D Least Obidient Dog Breeds Link:

Alamo's First Post

Hey Puppies lovers, it's Alamo you may know me from Alamo's Hockey Talk.  My favourite dog breed is a dachshund.  I love dachshunds because they have short legs and look like a cute little walking hot dog.  I wish we were getting a Dachshund, not a cockapoo but they are cute too!  What is a Dachshund, well I'm about to tell you!  Dachshunds lifespan is anywhere from 12 to 16 years.  They don't walk as often due to their bad back.  They live best in an apartment building.  They are an incredibly friendly dog for kids.  So for you kids I recommend if you're buying a dog to get a Dachshund.  Dachshunds do bark a lot though.  The average weight of a Dachshund is around 16-32 pounds.  In my opinion Dachshunds are the best dog breed.  I will attach some pictures of cute Dachshund puppies! As Emmy said, we will pupdate you guys when we get our puppy, but in the mean time if you have any special requests for a blog post, just ...

Emmy's Very First Post!

Hey guys!  Welcome to Emmys & Alamos Pupdates and this is Emmy's first post.  Alamo (my pupdates partner) will be posting his first post on here later this week.  You probably know me from my blog called "Emmys American Girl Doll Whispers", yes I am an American Girl doll fan and enthusiast, but I also have a passion for dogs especially puppies.  So, I created this blog to inform you about different dog breeds and pupdate (;D) you on how maybe even my own pup is doing.  I have always wanted a dog ever since I was a little kid, and I am pleased to announce that  I will be getting one very soon (I'm counting down the days), and I will be adopting a Cockapoo puppy!  What is a "Cockapoo" you ask?   A Cockapoo is a Cocker Spaniel and a Miniature Poodle mix which would make it a designer breed (mixed breed).  The breed grows to about 11-14 inches on average and grows to weigh about 15-19 lbs.  It's lifespan is from 12-15 years and t...

Welcome To Emmy's & Alamo's Pupdates! Stay Tuned for My First Post!